Thursday 14 April 2011

Last post

A fantastic tour is over. We have had a superb final concert at St Thomas', 5th Avenue and everyone is looking forward to coming home. Thank you for your lovely comments; they have really kept us going and see you all on Saturday.

New York

Wednesday 13 April 2011

New York

We have arrived and New York is marvellous. All the boys want to do is shop for tat! We dragged them to see the Statue of Liberty and the Staten Island ferry, but the majority were only truly happy once we walked past the shops selling 5 t-shirts for $10 . We have promised them protracted shopping tomorrow, but in the interests of culture, we will also offer a trip to the Metropolitan or a zoom up the Rockefeller building. We are happy to split the group 3 ways, but I have an inkling that this will not be necessary. Last concert tomorrow night and an extremely grand reception to follow.

Posting from 39,000 feet!

Last night's concert was a first in that the boys did an encore; usually it is the choristers who stand there whilst the Gents surf the US of A, so it was nice to swap boots and feet for a change. Andrew used Copland's Simple Gifts (from earlier in the tour) and John Challenger accompanied with organ pianissimo: it's a simple tune, sung in unison, but adored by the audience. Some of the boys haven't quite got the hang of this autograph thing and one went around the reception, offering to sign people's programmes. For free, I hasten to add. The Gents did four songs in the reception and were rewarded with champagne before being whisked off by their lucky homestay hosts.

Sent from my iPhone.

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Concert #7

In haste. Fantastic concert tonight in the cathedral of St. Philip, Atlanta. There was a huge crowd of very happy punters and a wonderful reception to boot. We have had a busy day: get up, travel to the airport in Houston, check in, arrive Atlanta, bus to the cathedral, rehearse, concert, reception then hotel. The hotel is stunning and boasts koi carp and suites with games consoles and fantastic 'facilities'. The boys all think that it is the best yet. Shame that we are only here for 7 hours or so! We have an early rise tomorrow and catch a flight to NY. Rest day tomorrow and the final concert on Thursday. I will attempt to blog from New York but cannot guarantee this as we are staying in a boarding house.

Another nice review.

Thanks for the tip-off, Caroline. For those who haven't found it yet: